Liquid, buttery filtering with refinement. The Polaris offers a massive 27 filter options over five categories. With a simple UI, three additional dedicated outs, overdrive and distortion circuits, you'll find your sound.
The Search
Liquid, buttery filtering with refinement. The Polaris offers a massive 27 filter options over five categories. With a simple UI, three additional dedicated outs, overdrive and distortion circuits, you'll find your sound.
From Pole To Pole
The Polaris is a 4-stage cascaded OTA filter designed by David Dixon. It builds on the lineage of the Dr. Octature and Atlantis filters, but with a totally revised core and resonance control. Along with dedicated LP, HP and BP outputs it features a configurable MULTI output capable of an unprecedented 27 different filter modes.
With drive turned down the Polaris is capable of buttery smooth filtering, and the cutoff control range has been fine-tuned for playability. With the drive dialled up and the new asymmetric multi distortion circuit engaged it creates a more aggressive sound. Not content to be just a filter, the Polaris’s AP phaser mode combined with frequency modulation can be used to achieve a phaser effect.
With so much versatility in a modest size, the Polaris is an ideal filter for a starter system and an excellent addition to the tonal palette of a larger modular.
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Das Modul A-115 ist ein vierstufiger Frequenzteiler (engl. frequency divider). Die Frequenz eines Signals am Eingang wird halbiert (halbe Frequenz = 1. Suboktave), geviertelt (1/4 Frequenz = 2. Suboktave), usw.. Auf diese Weise erzeugt der DIVIDER vier Suboktaven (F/2 bis F/16).
24dB resonant lowpass filter and distortion with internal modulation and envelope following
The Erica Synths Black 3109 VCF/VCA is a lowpass filter and voltage-controlled amplifier combo built around the AS3109 VCF integrated circuit, a contemporary version of the IR3109 chip, found on vintage Roland synths such as the Jupiter series, Juno series and the SH-101.
Following in the tradition of Evolution and Morpheus, LINNAEUS represents yet another Dave Rossum innovation in filter technology.
6 in 8 out, all CV & audio capable plus MIDI IO. 30 hp.
It currently contains 97 different modules. if you want effects, the phasers, flangers, bitmangle, freeze, granular, filters, powerful LFOs, time stretch, turntable stop, step sequencer, twist delay, VCA, wavefolder, quantiser, attenuverter and more will cover it.There’s some very powerful modules including a granular texture synthesiser, a 16 model macro oscillator voice and a meta modulator with 7 blendable signal combining algorithms including ring modulation, comparators and cross folding.
The Graphic Resonant Filterbank (FB) is a ten-band analogue filterbank with digital control over each bands’ boost or cut. Each band can be controlled individually via CV or manually, while complex control configurations turn the filterbank into an unconventional multimode filter and even an instrument in its own right when played with various resonance settings. The Expander module (works exclusively with the Graphic Resonant Filterbank and is available separately) provides hands-on adjustment of boost and cut for all bands.
A combination of VCF + VCA + Mixer that lets you mix three different sound sources, and shape their tone, and levels in a breeze. The Pony Filter is built around the SSI2144 FATKEYS™ Chip. Has the elegant sound of the classic transistor filter without the associated distortions, due to Dave Rossum’s “improved ladder” topology.
Das Sonic XV ist ein -24 dB pro Oktave steiles Diodenfilter mit spannungssteuerbarer Resonanz. Die Filterschaltung basiert auf dem weniger bekannten Vintage-Synthesizer Musonics Sonic V, verfügt aber zusätzlich über je einen 6dB Lowpass und Bandpass-Ausgang sowie über spannungsgesteuerte Waveshaper am Audioeingang und im Resonanzweg.
As its name suggests, the Erica Synths DJ VCF STEREO module provides sound treatment functionality typically found on DJ decks – it is fully open when the cutoff knob is at 12:00. When turned counter-clockwise, lowpass filtering is applied and when turned clockwise, highpass filtering is initiated.