Joranalogue Contour 1
For decades, the voltage controlled slew limiter has been a staple of modular synthesisers. With its extreme versatility, it can be used to slew control voltages (CVs), create envelopes, as a low-frequency or audio oscillator and much more.
Today, Contour 1 brings a fresh approach to this classic circuit. It delivers much improved performance and control by incorporating modern design techniques.
For decades, the voltage controlled slew limiter has been a staple of modular synthesisers. With its extreme versatility, it can be used to slew control voltages (CVs), create envelopes, as a low-frequency or audio oscillator and much more.
Today, Contour 1 brings a fresh approach to this classic circuit. It delivers much improved performance and control by incorporating modern design techniques.
At its most basic, a slew limiter slows down the rate of voltage change in a signal. On Contour 1, the rising and falling rates can be individually set using sliders and CV modulation.
The gate and trigger inputs allow the module to be used as a function generator: create snappy attack-release (AR) and attack-decay (AD) envelopes, with slope times ranging from 500 µs to 30 seconds. The dedicated gate input makes it easy to generate +10 V envelopes from any signal source. Using the large tactile push button, AD envelopes can be manually triggered. A trigger will also reset the output voltage.
When set to loop mode, Contour 1 will continually re-trigger itself. In this mode, it fulfils the role of a variable-shape low-frequency oscillator (LFO) or temperature-stable voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) in the audio range.
Both the rising and falling slopes can be individually bent, from concave through linear to convex. While doing so, the deviation in slope time, and thus oscillation frequency, is kept to a minimum. Since the bend parameters are separately voltage controllable, boundless modulation possibilities present themselves.
Explore anything from shape-shifting envelopes to rich VCO timbres: Contour 1 will make you re-think what a slew limiter can do.
- Analogue voltage controlled bidirectional slew limiter.
- Precision circuitry to slew any signal, including pitch CV, accurately.
- Separate rise/fall slope bending with voltage control and compensation for minimal effect on slew time.
- Real-time visual feedback through LEDs on slew time sliders.
- Dedicated gate input in addition to the analogue slew input: easily create +10 V attack-release (AR) envelopes, regardless of the gate amplitude.
- Trigger input and push button: reset the slew core and trigger a one-shot attack-decay (AD) envelope through a single trigger signal.
- Voltage hold gate input 'freezes' the slew core. Pause envelopes and LFO modulations, or create pulse-width-sensitive sync sounds at audio rates.
- Impedance-compensated regular and inverted analogue outputs.
- Rise and fall status gate outputs.
- Loop switch for variable waveshape temperature-stable VC(LF)O operation. Gate input functions as an oscillation enable input in loop mode.
- Capable of 1 volt/octave tracking over several octaves.
- Wide slew time range: 500 µs to 30 seconds per slope. Audio range switch setting constricts range to ease tuning.
- V/octave trim potentiometer accessible from the front panel.
- Highly multifunctional: slew limiter, envelope generator, envelope follower, (gated) VC(LF)O, frequency divider, slope detector and much more.
- Precision-milled 2 mm anodised aluminium front panel with high-resolution, non-erasable graphics.
- Bullet-proof design: polarised power header and MOSFET protection circuit.
- Includes 16-to-10-pin Eurorack power ribbon cable.
- Premium mounting hardware: black screws, black nylon washers and matching hex key.
- High-quality components and assembly; designed and made in Belgium.
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