Intellijel Tetrapad
Intellijels Tetrapad lässt sich ähnlich flexibel nutzen wie die Touch-Oberfläche eines Tablets.
Tête expands our touch surface, Tetrapad. Capture your gestures, save them, play them back with the Tête's looper or step sequencer; modulate your physical input with external CV from your modular; and finally sync all of your motions with the internal or an external clock. You've never touched anything like it.
Tête is the long awaited and highly anticipated expander for the Tetrapad. Tête takes control of Tetrapad’s mode selection and operating functions, allowing Tetrapad to do what it does best — act as a control surface, which it does both for controlling external modules and for interfacing with the advanced processing power within Tête.
Tête + Tetrapad operates in one of three different modes—
Up to 16 voltage storage locations (grid) with 8 voltages stored at each location. You have the choice to record and playback your recall of these locations in a looper style (just play freely and spend arbitrary amount of time at any location) or as a clocked sequence (SH-101 style). Additionally you can traverse the matrix using the X and Y CV inputs to get Cartesian style sequencing. There is also variable slew that allows you to morph/glide between the values.
You can create sequences or loops in chord, scales or keyboard mode. The isomorphic keyboard grid can be set to 4, 12, or 16 notes. There are real-time performance looping, transposition and inversion capabilities via the CV inputs and dedicated loop button. In sequencer mode each step can be a tie, rest, or gate with size 25/50/75%. Basically we have created a way to very quickly and intuitively make chord sequences that are very musical and easy to manipulate. It is difficult to summarize in words but we will be sure to create some videos to demonstrate how easy and fun this is to play with. It definitely represents something unique in the landscape of Eurorack sequencers.
In this mode you can loop record your performance on any combination of the following functions: fader, bipolar fader, crossfader, euclidean sequencer, toggle switches, voltages banks or LFO. Kind of like Elektron style parameter locking but all of the motions is recorded continuously instead of just in slices. Instantly turn a simple patch into a highly animated and complex beast. The chosen function determines the type of signal (CV, note, trigger, gate, etc.) sent from each of Tetrapad’s eight independent outputs, while its multitude of multi-colored LEDs keep you informed of exactly what’s happening within each mode.
Beyond the Modes
Requires the Tetrapad to function
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Intellijels Tetrapad lässt sich ähnlich flexibel nutzen wie die Touch-Oberfläche eines Tablets.
Das legendäre Buchla 266-Modul im Eurorack-Format. CV-gesteuerter quantisierter Zufallsgenerator.
Javelin ist ein Modul, das im Grunde eine ADSR-Hüllkurve mit integrierten VCA darstellt. Es verfügt jedoch über einige Features, die das Modul zu einem expressiven Klangformungswerkzeug machen.
Katowice is a stereo variable–band isolator that allows the user to manipulate a selected range of frequencies. It is the first module in a series of upcoming Xaoc Devices products designed specifically for processing stereo signals.
For decades, the voltage controlled slew limiter has been a staple of modular synthesisers. With its extreme versatility, it can be used to slew control voltages (CVs), create envelopes, as a low-frequency or audio oscillator and much more.
Today, Contour 1 brings a fresh approach to this classic circuit. It delivers much improved performance and control by incorporating modern design techniques.
6 in 8 out, all CV & audio capable plus MIDI IO. 30 hp.
It currently contains 97 different modules. if you want effects, the phasers, flangers, bitmangle, freeze, granular, filters, powerful LFOs, time stretch, turntable stop, step sequencer, twist delay, VCA, wavefolder, quantiser, attenuverter and more will cover it.There’s some very powerful modules including a granular texture synthesiser, a 16 model macro oscillator voice and a meta modulator with 7 blendable signal combining algorithms including ring modulation, comparators and cross folding.
Was auf den ersten Blick wie ein normaler Analosgsequencer aussieht ist in Wahrheit ein unglaublich flexibler Spannungsgenerator. Sequenzen kann er natürlich auch, aber genauso lässt sich der Voltage Multistage als VC-LFO, grafischer Oszillator, als AD- AR-, ADSR- und sogar als Multistage-Hüllkurve benutzen. Das Modul braucht wegen seiner Komplexität sicher ein wenig Einarbeitungszeit, die sich aber lohnt. Sehr spannend.
Ein programmierbarer universeller CV-Generator, dessen Grundfunktionalität aus den unglaublich starken (aber auf einem zweizeiligen Display unbedienbaren) Funktionsgeneratoren des E-mu Morpheus stammt. Jetzt wurden sie zu einer überaus flexiblen Modulationsquelle erweitert, die aufwendige One-Shot-Kurven, sich kontinuierlich entwickelnde zyklische Muster von beliebiger Länge und Komplexität umfasst.
‘O/A/x2’ is a dual channel attenuverter with each channel also including a bipolar voltage offset and LED monitoring.
Zadar is a powerful, four-channel envelope, modulation, and transient generator, in a compact yet very complete, feature-rich package.