Joranalogue Fold 6
Often considered to be the opposite of filters within a modular system, wavefolders are designed to fold a signal over itself multiple times. This generates additional harmonics, resulting in rich timbres.
Modulation is the core concept of modular synthesis: parameters changing over time, adding movement and musical interest to what would otherwise be merely static sounds. Being able to control the amplitude of signals throughout a patch is therefore essential, and one can never have too many voltage controlled amplifiers (VCAs).
Designed as a fully-featured modulation hub for Eurorack synthesisers, Morph 4 takes the basic concept of the multi-VCA module to the next level.
Modulation is the core concept of modular synthesis: parameters changing over time, adding movement and musical interest to what would otherwise be merely static sounds. Being able to control the amplitude of signals throughout a patch is therefore essential, and one can never have too many voltage controlled amplifiers (VCAs).
Designed as a fully-featured modulation hub for Eurorack synthesisers, Morph 4 takes the basic concept of the multi-VCA module to the next level.
Four linear amplitude modulators are controlled by a master ‘morph’ parameter. The response of each modulator to this parameter is completely variable, both manually and under voltage control, and can be overridden if desired. Each response is triangular, with the ‘position’ parameter setting the maximum point along the morph axis, while ‘span’ determines the width of the triangle’s base.
In addition to separate signal inputs and outputs, a variety of combined outputs is available as well: A+B, C+D, add (unity gain) and averaging mixes, and instantaneous minimum and maximum. Input normalisation makes it easy to send the same signal to multiple modulators, while output and modulator response LEDs provide essential visual feedback.
The combination of master control, fully flexible modulators and multiple combined outputs creates a module truly embodying the spirit of ‘patch programmable’ modular synthesis. Use Morph 4 as a voltage controlled mixer, dual crossfader, dual panner, interpolating scanner, interpolating distributor, quad VCA, quadraphonic controller, slope modifier, rectifier, complex waveshaper or something in between any of those—the choice is yours.
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Often considered to be the opposite of filters within a modular system, wavefolders are designed to fold a signal over itself multiple times. This generates additional harmonics, resulting in rich timbres.
The Dual Stereo Gate (DXG) music synthesizer module is a Dual Stereo Low Pass Gate and Mixer. It follows in the footsteps of the QMMG, Optomix, RxMx, DynaMix, and LxD. Unlike its predecessors, the DXG is specifically oriented around mixing stereo signals, making it an important addition to any system containing modules like XPO, QPAS, Morphagene, Mimeophon, and other stereo modules by Make Noise or others.
6 in 8 out, all CV & audio capable plus MIDI IO. 30 hp.
It currently contains 97 different modules. if you want effects, the phasers, flangers, bitmangle, freeze, granular, filters, powerful LFOs, time stretch, turntable stop, step sequencer, twist delay, VCA, wavefolder, quantiser, attenuverter and more will cover it.There’s some very powerful modules including a granular texture synthesiser, a 16 model macro oscillator voice and a meta modulator with 7 blendable signal combining algorithms including ring modulation, comparators and cross folding.
Katowice is a stereo variable–band isolator that allows the user to manipulate a selected range of frequencies. It is the first module in a series of upcoming Xaoc Devices products designed specifically for processing stereo signals.
‘O/A/x2’ is a dual channel attenuverter with each channel also including a bipolar voltage offset and LED monitoring.
Select 2 lässt sich als Festspannungsquelle, Schalt-, Mute- oder Haltestufe, Invertierungswerkzeug, Abschwächer, Offset-Generator, Mixer und zur Addierung beziehungsweise Subtraktion von Signalen einsetzen.
Wellenfaltung weiter gedacht – Der Fold setzt sich aus einem Dioden-Wave-Multiplier nach Serge-Vorbild und einem Suboktavgenerator zusammen.
Vierfacher digitaler LFO mit spannungssteuerbarer Frequenz und Reset. Die LFOs können unabhängig laufen oder in drei Sync-Modi: Quadratur, Phasemodus oder Divider-Modus abhängig vom ersten Kanal. Zwei der drei Wellenformausgänge eines Kanals haben eine feste und der drtte eine zuweisbare Wellenform. Bequeme Bedienung durch beleuchtete Schieberegler.